Asset Management Software for Solar

Gain Full Visibility into Site and Portfolio Health

Make smarter decisions with a centralized view of asset performance. Track trends, benchmark data, and optimize operations across your entire portfolio.

Users love Sitemark on G2
4.9 customer rating
Trusted by 700+ companies across 80+ countries

Monitor Performance Across Every Site and Component

Stay in control with real-time asset insights that help you maximize efficiency and output.

Compare data across multiple sites
Identify underperformance early and take action faster
Benchmark historical trends and site performance

One Platform for Complete Oversight

Centralize all asset data, reports, and historical records in one system for better tracking and decision-making.

Maintain a digital record of inspections and performance
Simplify reporting and compliance with structured data
Ensure seamless collaboration across stakeholders

Join the future of
solar site management

Our team is ready to answer your questions and show you Sitemark first-hand.